Monday, April 26, 2010

Robbin' of Vidal Sassoon’s Hairspray Division

I am dedicating two back to back entries to this dude to emphasize how important it is to reinvent your style when getting booked multiple times. I mean why do the same thing twice, he must find inspiration from johnny depp, brad pitt kinda guys always making people stay interested.. Well my friend you have succeded we are enthralled and will continue to watch you blossom as a forerunner in the fashion underbelly which is "HAIRJAIL"!!


  1. The true inpiration is back!!!
    I can't believe it... GemdaLimp is now a 2 time HairJail Cover Boy! Same head tilt, but much more serious? Chop the locks and now we get a clean cut inmate... nice! I can't wait to see what he goes with the next time he violates his probation... I'm thinking possible a beard???
    PS - Don't know if anyone else has noticed, but he looks just like the dude on weird?

  2. I hear he is considering growing the hair out to the nancy fro!

  3. sadly this inmate claims that he was a victim of identity theft purpetrated by the gay mafia. then at an attempt to extort money they blackmailed him and posted an extremely provacative scene with his stunt double portraying gay activity.. I mean really! what has this world come to. its a shame. sometimes unfortunate stuff happens to the people less deserving. but none the less, "that shit was weird bro"
